St Helena Bay Monitoring Line (SHBML) on the Africana Voyage 222, August 2006
This St Helena Bay Monitoring Line (SHBML) cruise was conducted on the Africana Voyage 222 in August 2006. This is a long-term monitoring line conducted off the coast of... -
St Helena Bay Monitoring Line (SHBML) on the Africana Voyage 216, March 2006
This St Helena Bay Monitoring Line (SHBML) cruise was conducted on the Africana Voyage 216 in March 2006. This is a long-term monitoring line conducted off the coast of... -
St Helena Bay Monitoring Line (SHBML) on the Africana Voyage 192, April 2004
This St Helena Bay Monitoring Line (SHBML) cruise was conducted on the Africana Voyage 192 in April 2004. This is a long-term monitoring line conducted off the coast of... -
St Helena Bay Monitoring Line (SHBML) on the Africana Voyage 189, February 2004
This St Helena Bay Monitoring Line (SHBML) cruise was conducted on the Africana Voyage 189 in February 2004. This is a long-term monitoring line conducted off the coast of... -
St Helena Bay Monitoring Line (SHBML) on the Africana Voyage 181, August 2003
This St Helena Bay Monitoring Line (SHBML) cruise was conducted on the Africana Voyage 181 in August 2003. This is a long-term monitoring line conducted off the coast of... -
St Helena Bay Monitoring Line (SHBML) on the Africana Voyage 174, February 2003
This St Helena Bay Monitoring Line (SHBML) cruise was conducted on the Africana Voyage 174 in February 2003. This is a long-term monitoring line conducted off the coast of... -
St Helena Bay Monitoring Line (SHBML) on the Africana Voyage 169, September 2002
This St Helena Bay Monitoring Line (SHBML) cruise was conducted on the Africana Voyage 169 in September 2002. This is a long-term monitoring line conducted off the coast of... -
National Coastal Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment Decision Support...
This PDF contains the User Guide to the installation and use of the offline geospatial decision support tool developed in the National Coastal Climate Change Vulnerability... -
National Coastal Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment Vulnerability...
This PDF is the Technical report of the coastal and estuarine erosion and flood index development conducted in the National Coastal Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment... -
National Coastal Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment Supporting...
This PDF contains the supporting reports of the situational assessment phase of the National Coastal Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment 2019-2020, i.e. the reports from the... -
National Coastal Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment Presentation
This is a PDF of the presentation used for the stakeholder training workshops on 26 - 27 November 2020 on the coastal flood and erosion indices and the offline decision support... -
Unusual mortality events of whales of the genus Kogia along the South...
This report provides stranding trends of whales (genus Kogia) for the areas between Strandfontein on the West Coast and Grootbrak River on the South Coast of South Africa... -
A 2022 update to trends of seabirds and seals in Saldanha Bay, Western Cape
This report provides an update on the trends for seals and seabirds in Saldanha Bay for the year 2022. The Benguela Upwelling Ecosystem is home to various endemic seabirds and a... -
Cape fur seal (Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus) pup trends at breeding...
This report focuses on the trends of Cape fur seal (Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus) pups within the proposed Sandveld Coastal Complex Protected Area Management Plan at various... -
State of the oceans around South Africa: 2014
Please note that the contact information included in the report is superseded by the contact information that can be found in the Responsible Parties field of this metadata... -
State of the oceans around South Africa: 2012
Please note: 1. This report has not been peer-reviewed; 2. The conditions of use outlined in the report are superseded by the conditions specified by the License field in this... -
State of the oceans around South Africa: December 2011
Please note: 1. This report has not been peer-reviewed; 2. The conditions of use outlined in the report are superseded by the conditions specified by the License field in this... -
State of the marine environment around South Africa: July 2010
Please note: 1. This report has not been peer-reviewed; 2. The conditions of use outlined in the report are superseded by the conditions specified by the License field in this... -
State of the marine environment around South Africa: December 2010
Please note: 1. This report has not been peer-reviewed; 2. The conditions of use outlined in the report are superseded by the conditions specified by the License field in this... -
State of the marine environment off South Africa: July 2009
Please note: 1. This report has not been peer-reviewed; 2. The conditions of use outlined in the report are superseded by the conditions specified by the License field in this...