Dataset extent

State of the marine environment around South Africa: December 2010

Please note: 1. This report has not been peer-reviewed; 2. The conditions of use outlined in the report are superseded by the conditions specified by the License field in this metadata record; 3. The contact information included in the report is superseded by the contact information that can be found in the Responsible Parties field of this metadata record.This series of informal biannual reports was introduced in December 2006 for purposes of establishing general principles (such as annual cycles), long-term trends (which may provide insight into local effects of global warming and climate change), and to provide an overview of recent marine environmental conditions which may be of relevance to the management of South African marine resources. To this end use is made of data from a variety of sources, including web sources, satellite sensors, the South African Weather Service, coastal- and moored instruments and research cruises, and inherent to all of these there is an inevitable lag between the time of data capture and the time when the data first become available for use. The lags are all different. For example, wind data from the Cape Point lighthouse is updated monthly, the moored temperature recorders are serviced every three months and the time series of some satellite data are updated at irregular intervals resulting in lags which may be as long as a year or, in some cases, even several years. Therefore, while it is the aim that the environmental reports should reflect the conditions that prevailed over the months leading up to the reporting date in order to meet the resource management objective, some out-of-date series are incorporated because they provide, for example, information on long-term trends which would otherwise not be available. Also, in addition to observations directly related to local conditions, time series of the Southern Oscillation Index, the South Atlantic high pressure cell and the St Helena Island Index are also provided because they are known, or at least suspected, of representing global and basin scale processes which affect local conditions. In this report, for the first time, information obtained from monitoring three marine top predators (Cape gannet, African penguin and Cape fur seal) is also presented as these trends may be useful indicators of changes in the marine ecosystem.

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Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated February 13, 2025, 09:16 (UTC)
Created February 13, 2025, 09:16 (UTC)
affiliation Oceans and Coastal Research, Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE), email:
contributors Jimmy Khanyile
harvest_object_id 97491ee9-14f2-447e-9c90-0240326d9006
harvest_source_id 53d89a76-20d6-4ee6-acb9-8b1b33058887
harvest_source_title MIMS
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[10.06, -23.77], [44.57, -23.77], [44.57, -45.95], [10.06, -45.95], [10.06, -23.77]]]}
xmax 44.57
xmin 10.06
ymax -45.95
ymin -23.77