The South Coast Demersal Inshore Biomass Survey was conducted on the Africana Voyage 106 from 02 to 23 September 1992. The objectives of the survey were to conduct a stratified bottom trawl survey to assess the biomass, abundance and distribution of hake, sole, horse mackerel, squid and other trawl species with emphasis on 'inshore' fishing areas for recruitment estimates; to investigate the hydrology and current profiles of the South Coast and to relate this to the distribution pf the major demersal trawl species. This included five transects extending from specified areas in the South Coast and approximately perpendicular to the coastline out towards the main stream of the Agulhas Current. A 'mini' CTD transect grid in the Cape St Francis area was also done; to do a selected number of midwater trawls to investigate the distribution and abundance of deep-water fauna; to conduct routine biological and length frequency sampling of demersal species; to sample squid intensively to establish their distribution and abundance on the South Coast. quid gonads to be collected for histological research; to collect live sole for land-based experiments as well as sole gonads for histology; to sample for squid and other fish eggs and larvae using bongo nets; collection of rare fish samples, fish identification and photography; to obtain species specific data on copepod distribution and to conduct copepod grazing experiments; and the collection of the following specific material for land-based research: snoek gut content, White Stumpnose and other line fish, rocks, south coast rock lobster, sharks & rays, sponge crabs, kob, and any other unusual specimens.