Dataset extent

Raw underway Thermosalinograph (TSG) observations from the Benguela Air-Sea CO2 and Heat Flux Experiment on the Algoa Voyage 278, December 2021

Here we present the 6-second resolution raw Thermosalinograph (TSG) data collected between 06 December and 19 December 2021 during the Benguela Air-Sea CO2 and Heat Flux Experiment cruise on the Algoa Voyage 278. A SeaBird SBE45 Thermosalinograph (TSG) is used to opportunistically collect underway near-surface temperature and conductivity measurements during research and monitoring cruises. Water is continuously pumped to the TSG from an intake located in the hull of the vessel, and the observations are continuously interfaced with navigational information. A temperature sensor close to the intake provides temperature measurements of the incoming water (T1). The temperature of the water inside the conductivity cell (T2) is used to accurately compute salinity (S) from the conductivity measurements (C). The cruise operated on the West Coast of South Africa at a fixed location between Station 4 and 5 of the St. Helena Bay monitoring line (SHBML) with the ship's bow into the wind. The objectives of the cruise were to examine, using high-resolution Eddy Co-Variance (EcV) and in situ observations, the role of the ocean “cool skin” on the air-sea flux of CO2 and heat; to examine, through high-resolution observations, the impact of the vertical temperature gradient in the upper 10m of the water column on the estimation of the air-sea flux; to examine the sensitivity of 1 and 2 under a wide range of diurnal and synoptic wind stress and surface layer mixing conditions; to link the variability in the temperature gradients and pCO2 to mixed layer dynamics in response to the interaction of wind-linked mixing and heat-linked stratification; to understand the synoptic scale variability of the CO2 and heat fluxes; to understand how synoptic scale influence diurnal variability of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (DIC) and Total Alkalinity (TA); to investigate how representative the bulk heat flux parameterisations are to the true EcV heat fluxes, particularly over sharp lateral temperature gradients; to determine the respective role of fine-scale lateral oceanic processes (submesoscales) and synoptic atmospheric variability to the leading order variability of surface heat fluxes and to conduct Top predator population including Seabirds, whales, dolphins, seals, etc.

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Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated February 13, 2025, 09:24 (UTC)
Created February 13, 2025, 09:24 (UTC)
contactInfo contact details: email:
harvest_object_id cd4773b3-16b6-4c6f-8802-586b1f0d325e
harvest_source_id 53d89a76-20d6-4ee6-acb9-8b1b33058887
harvest_source_title MIMS
individualName Leon Jacobs
organizationName Oceans and Coastal Research, Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE);
positionName role: Marine Scientific Technician;
role originator
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[17, -34], [19, -34], [19, -32], [17, -32], [17, -34]]]}
xmax 19
xmin 17
ymax -32
ymin -34