Dataset extent

Averaged bottom temperature and dissolved oxygen in and around the Cape Canyon

Submarine canyons are internationally reported to enhance upwelling and heterogeneity. However, in South Africa such studies remain limited and thus a knowledge gap in regional submarine canyon dynamics still exists. To address this gap, the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment: Oceans and Coasts initiated a multi-disciplinary expedition onboard the RV Algoa (March 2016-2018) where oceanographic data, amongst other datasets, was collected within a 5x5 nautical mile distance. The benthic stations were linked to the associated mean bottom temperature and dissolved oxygen profiles.

Data and Resources

This dataset has no data

Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated February 13, 2025, 09:42 (UTC)
Created February 13, 2025, 09:42 (UTC)
contactInfo contact details: 2nd Floor, Foretrust Building, 1 Martin Hammerschlag Way, Cape Town, South Africa, email:
harvest_object_id a89716b1-cd77-40d9-b02b-4c8efb7d5f80
harvest_source_id 53d89a76-20d6-4ee6-acb9-8b1b33058887
harvest_source_title MIMS
individualName Zoleka Filander
organizationName Oceans and Coastal Research, Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE);
positionName role: Scientist;
role principalInvestigator
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[17.065, -33.698], [18.283, -33.698], [18.283, -32.163], [17.065, -32.163], [17.065, -33.698]]]}
xmax 18.283
xmin 17.065
ymax -32.163
ymin -33.698